
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
My Monday Midday Monologue (MMMM) 8: TTT Edition
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
Tuesday Jan 12, 2016
In a Tuesday's Tardy Tirade edition of My Monday Midday Monologue, I pay respect to David Bowie as the last of a generation of genuinely mysterious celebrities. We'll never make an Elvis again.

Monday Jan 04, 2016
My Monday Midday Monologue (MMMM) 7
Monday Jan 04, 2016
Monday Jan 04, 2016
How does it feel to sing the FIRST karaoke song of the new year? I'll tell you all about it. Then, I'll ramble about my Monkees monologue at Space 55's "Seven Minutes Into The New Year," honoring the legacy of my artistic heroes, and my growing philosophy about freebies.

Monday Dec 28, 2015
My Monday Midday Monologue (MMMM) 6
Monday Dec 28, 2015
Monday Dec 28, 2015
While other podcasts retrospect, I'm still LIVIN', baby! A new adventure at Elephante, an artists' colony in Cornville, AZ, and more to come this week, as I go full Monkee-maniac in preparation for Davy Jones' and Mike Nesmith's birthday on December 30. What were their musical connections to Arizona? Listen now -- and I'll tell you MORE at Space 55 this Saturday!

Monday Dec 21, 2015
My Monday Midday Monologue (MMMM) 5
Monday Dec 21, 2015
Monday Dec 21, 2015
I join the conversation about "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," and hopefully I say a few things you haven't heard before. Will this spoiler-free culture continue? Has anyone compared Luke, Leia, and Han to the Holy Trinity? Will "The Force Awakens" end our Peter Pan Complex culture? Listen as I ask these questions out loud!

Monday Dec 14, 2015
My Monday Midday Monologue (MMMM) 4
Monday Dec 14, 2015
Monday Dec 14, 2015
Today, I talk about finding $7! Then, I kiss Bill Campana's butt. Then, I explain, if you're an artist, you're a rock star . . . so why aren't you on tour? And if you're giving away the best of what you can do, why should anybody buy the rest of what you can do?

Monday Dec 07, 2015
My Monday Midday Monologue (MMMM) 3
Monday Dec 07, 2015
Monday Dec 07, 2015
Today I talk about comic con culture, from an exhibitor's POV. Are they becoming swap meets? Also, I plug a new zine shop in Tempe and my poetry co-feature with Bill Campana at Caffeine Corridor on Friday, December 11.

Monday Nov 30, 2015
My Monday Midday Monologue (MMMM) 2
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Today I rambled about comic con attendees vs. street fair crowds, how He-Man brings people together, and why Red Tornado on TV heralds a new Golden Age. Plus, plugs, shout-outs, hoo-haws, and more!

Monday Nov 23, 2015
My Monday Midday Monologue (MMMM) 1
Monday Nov 23, 2015
Monday Nov 23, 2015
Here's the first (and maybe last?) of My Monday Midday Monologue (MMMM). I have an hour break every day, so I figured why not sit in my truck, ramble, and record it. Today I talked about my Ignite Phoenix After Hours experience, Supergirl vs. Gotham, and art gallery cheese plates.